Outsourced Cheque and Credit Fulfilment

Many companies have the onerous task of managing a mix of cheque and electronic payments. Outsourcing this process affords the flexibility to do regular or one off payments.

Our end to end service is a flexible credit and cheque outsourcing fulfilment service. We can print and mail out:-

  • cheque printing, signing and mailing
  • credit printing and mailing
  • No minimum or maximum data quantity
  • No specific file format required
The credit and cheque outsourcing service provides design, processing, print and data filling through to mailing from data files sent via a secure FTP.
The service can be used for all document types:-
  • Letter cheques
  • Letter credits
  • Gift vouchers
  • Cheque Remittances
  • Cheque Dividends

Payment Bureau Service

Of course you can one step farther and outsource your payment processing.
The benefit of outsourcing to a Bureau Service  allows you to automate payments and collections without going to the expense of purchasing or administering software.
All the above services are provided within a C&CCC, ISO27001 environment

The finance printing specialists

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