In my last blog I used examples from a customer that highlighted some of the points that should be considered when moving from paper payslips to e-payslips.
Category Archives: Payroll Processing
Knowing what your customer really wants
Following a recent meeting with a long time customer gave me the idea and subject matter for this article.
Knowing what your customer really wants is the key to helping them make…
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Why would I want to outsource my payroll or HR department?
Although I’ve discussed payroll outsourcing before emphasis has…
Read MoreHow to optimise a hybrid mail solution to mail out information to your employees?
Payroll departments are often besieged with paperwork managing and processing a variety of different employee document streams.
Auto-enrolment forms continue to be a…
Read MoreHow to outsource your employee P60 printing but you don't know where to start?
Why should you use an outsourcing service and are… Read More
The best of 2012. All you need to know about outsourcing in one place.
Read MorePayroll outsourcing for the SME!
There are tangible benefits in outsourcing for the SME and I have talked about it Read More
How to automate your timesheet processing!
Time sheet processing can be a time consuming and a very manual intensive task for large and small companies alike.
Maintaining accuracy and correct data entry are the cornerstone of any payroll system.
Time… Read More
How RTI will impact your business in 2013! RTI – Are YOU Ready?
6 great tips on why SME's should outsource!
I ‘m a strong advocate of the benefits that can be enjoyed by outsourcing a component of your business whether its print, payroll, billing I.T or customer services to the outsourcing of a complete department…
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